Hi Gary,
My daughter is 14, she plays softball and basketball. This is her fourth year playing ASA softball. She has been the only catcher for 3 of those years. For the last couple of years, she has complained about her knee hurting. This year, we decided to take her to the doctor before the season got going. I know you have heard this before, but I couldn’t believe it, our doctor more or less told her to stop playing sports and anything that involved running, jumping etc. The doctor even told us what to do if her kneecap popped out of place. The doctor told us there wasn’t anything that could be done, no kneepads, and would eventually have to get surgery if my daughter kept up her sports. By this time, as you can imagine, my daughter was pretty scared. The doctor gave us no hope, just anti-inflammatory pills, which, by the way, didn’t help. We immediately came home and looked up Osgood-Schlatter disease, your page was the first one I looked at, and bought the Oscon and kneepad that night. You were so right, by the 10th day the swelling on her knee was gone. The swelling had been there so long, I thought that was just how her knee was. We ended up ordering another bottle, I should have bought 2 in the beginning, my daughter took 2 pills for two more weeks and now she just takes one. The pain in her knee is gone. This last weekend, her team played 3 games back to back; there was no pain at all. The kneepad was such a blessing. When she first got it, she noticed right away, how much protection it gave her when she caught. After practice and games, it’s so nice not to hear her say how much her knee hurts. I can’t tell you how much better she feels. Thank you so very much. It looks like she is going to have a pain free ball season. Yea!