Case Histories
Early 1980’s
Andrew, 14-year-old male: Soccer, baseball and volleyball player. Pain for 18 months, first in left knee, later in both. Pediatrician unable to help, and advised foregoing sports until better. Orthopedist tried immobilizing with a cast, phenylbutazone and crutches, then aspirin. No results. Presented to Dr. VW who recommended the micronutrients. Playing soccer again in one month, completely pain-free in two. No return of symptoms.
Eric, 13-year-old male: Soccer, basketball and baseball player. Pain for two and one-half years. Used the micronutrients, completely pain free in 5 weeks. Running up to 30 laps of the gym per day. At 14 was 5’11” tall with a 11 1/2 shoe. Made the HS basketball team.
Missi & Mindy: In my first year of coaching soccer (1986), my team was fortunate enough to make it to the AYSO Section Finals. My 11 year old twin daughters were a key part of this effort. Unfortunately, on almost the very eve of the championship game, one (center midfielder) came down with acute OS and was unable to play, and her fraternal twin (forward and goalkeeper) also complained of the typically sore and slightly swollen tibial tubercle (more chronic) that identifies the disease. We lost the Championship game 2-1, but it was a great season for a “rookie” coach with a talented group of players. After the season the OS persisted in both daughters, and trips to the pediatrician where the traditional NSAIDS, ice, rest and elastic bandages were prescribed produced meager results. I was concerned, because Missi and Mindy were not only my daughters, but also two of my “star players” for the upcoming season. Then a lucky event occurred. A physician in the area where I had lived while I was working for a pharmaceutical company had been experimenting with a treatment for OS employing two common nutritional supplements. I was fortunate enough to stumble across his comments (see above) on the treatment! I gave the formula to the twins in the dosage (completely safe!) that he used. In one week, the “acute” cases’ major pain was resolved, and the “chronic” twin, although feeling some tenderness for almost one month, was no longer inhibited by the condition. This is how it started. I have since modified and improved the treatment.
Subsequent experiences
1. June 1987, Janna, 12-year-old female: Was on my daughter’s softball team. Slid into home plate, and got up holding her knee. I was sitting next to her mother who was distressed. When I asked her about the problem, she told me that it had been diagnosed as OS, and treated with ice, bandages, steroids and a cast with no results. She had been advised to consider surgery. I told her what had worked for my daughters, and she purchased the products. Pain resolved in 10 days, and Janna, who was not able to engage in any sports except softball up to that time (because of the pain), signed up for soccer the next season. By chance she was assigned to my team! Her defensive play by “backing up” our goalkeeper on two passing shots actually preserved a 1-0 victory that won the regional championship in a night play-off game.
2. August 1995, Katie, 11-year-old female: Came to soccer practice with a “sore knee” in pre-season. Was seen rubbing an ice cube below her kneecap. Since she was the most physically talented player on my wife’s team, I gave her the formula, and gave her parents instructions for use. Major relief in one week, complete resolution in two! Team went on to SoCal Championships, and Katie was voted MVP by her teammates.
3. September 1998, Candice, 11-year-old female: Typical sore knee in my team ‘s pre-season practice. Gave her parents two bottles of the micronutrients, and confirmed with the Grandmother that she had been diagnosed with OS. Pain gone in one week. Candice went on to score 13 goals from a midfield position that season, which led the league in scoring, and was selected for the Regional All-Star team which played in post-season playoffs and tournaments! Later, as a freshman, Candice was the H.S. Varsity starting sweeper!
4. January 1999, Caitlin, 12-year-old female: Soccer goalkeeper. Developed pain in the tibial tuberosity toward the end of the “All-Star” season. Her father asked me what had worked for Candice. After informing him, he gave it to her, and pain was gone in less than two weeks. Made the game winning save during the Area Championship game “shootout”, and was voted All-Star MVP by the team at the conclusion of the season.
5. August 1999, Jackie, 14-year-old female: Her father (my wife’s employer, and an attorney and CPA) was considering removing her from soccer because of pain in one knee. My wife told him to call me, and he did and got the formula. All pain gone in less than 5 days! She went to the next practice and OS was unnoticeable. Her uncle, a MD to whom I had described the treatment, was skeptical before, and a complete convert afterwards! He suggested that I find someone to help do a clinical study, as the results were so quick and complete.
I could add many more, including two from the 2001-2002 Newbury Park Girls U-14 All-Star team, which played in the AYSO National Games, July 2002 in Honolulu, HI